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Vandals target Congressman Doyle, congressional candidate Parnell, Rep. Lamb

PITTSBURGH — Congressman Mike Doyle’s office, congressional candidate Sean Parnell’s home and Rep. Conor Lamb’s office have each been vandalized ahead of Election Day.

“This is an issue of America versus socialism and anarchy and I think both parties need to just stand up and condemn this type of vandalism and potentially violence in the strongest possible terms,” Parnell told Channel 11 News.

Vandals defaced the front of Doyle’s office on Carson Street in the South Side.

The phrase spray-painted in red reads, “Elections, no. Revolution, yes,” with an image of a hammer and sickle -- typically associated with communism.

Doyle is a House representative in the 18th District and is running for reelection.

Meanwhile, that same message spray-painted in red was found this morning on the garage door of the home of Republican hopeful Sean Parnell.

“This is my home. This is where my little kids sleep,” Parnell said.

Parnell is running against incumbent Lamb to represent the 17th District in Congress.

Vandalism at Doyle’s office and Parnell’s home was found over the weekend. Lamb’s office in Mt. Lebanon was found to be vandalized Monday morning.

A hammer and sickle was spray-painted in red on the outside of Lamb’s office, along with the message, “Don’t vote! Fight for revolution.”

“I don’t want people to wake up on November 4th and wonder if this type of violence or vandalism will come to their communities. Part of my job as a servant leader is to place myself between radical who would do damage to communities like this and make sure we’re doing everything we can to protect them,” Parnell said.

Parnell also took to Twitter Sunday morning with a picture saying, “My house was vandalized last night by cowards under the cover of darkness. This is what is at stake in this election. We must all fight for our country and we must do it NOW. I will not cower. I will not back down. I will always fight for this nation.”

Channel 11 News reached out to Doyle, but have not heard back.

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