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Visitors to Pittsburgh Zoo & PPG Paints Aquarium report mask concerns

PITTSBURGH — With warmer weather moving in the last few weeks a lot of people have been heading out and in particular to places like the Pittsburgh zoo.

But one woman says she and a handful of others felt unsafe during a visit to the zoo last Wednesday. In fact, she and her family didn’t stay long.

“We were there for about an hour and then we left. It was a combination of it being crowded and of not a lot of people wearing masks,” Jane Pohl said.

Pohl says she understands that because of the nice weather things could get crowded, but she also says she didn’t see any employees telling people to wear their masks.

Signs are posted throughout the park, but Pohl says she didn’t see staff members enforcing the rules.

“There are some signs but I think it would be very helpful when if when you check in at the zoo they had an actual person say to you please make sure to keep your mask on at all times even outside,” she said.

The zoo said they have a person who does just that, “to assist with mitigation efforts we also notify guests of our mask policy and have a staff member whose sole responsibility is to move throughout the park reminding visitors of this policy, which is ...masks are required in both indoor and outdoor locations,” the Zoo said in a statement.

Unfortunately during her time there Pohl says she never encountered that person but understands that it can be a touchy subject sometimes to ask people to wear their masks.

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