
Clinic gives patients empty COVID-19 vaccines

CHESTERFIELD COUNTY, Va. — Patients at one COVID-19 vaccination clinic thought they were getting the shot to protect them against the coronavirus, but they were wrong.

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Instead, a handful of people who rolled up their sleeves at a Chesterfield County, Virginia Kroger supermarket received nothing but air. The syringes that were to be filled with the vaccine were empty, WRIC reported.

A person who had been administering the vaccines thought a coworker had filled them.

At first, it was believed the syringe was filled with saline, but an investigation found they were actually empty, WTVR reported.

Everyone who did not get the vaccine was called so they could return and get the shot.

Fewer than 10 people were given the empty shot, WTVR reported.

A company spokesperson told WRIC that the staff was retrained to give the vaccines.

“We apologize for this oversight and the inconvenience caused for these customers,” Kroger said in a statement.

Kroger COVID-19 clinics have dispensed about 836,000 vaccines, WRIC reported.

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