
Lifeguards resuscitate boy found face-down in Scott Township community pool

SCOTT TOWNSHIP, Pa. — A boy was taken to a hospital Wednesday after he was found face-down in a community pool in Scott Township, Allegheny County, police told Channel 11 News.

Authorities said the boy was found face-down in 4 feet of water. Two lifeguards performed CPR and were able to resuscitate him.%



One of those lifeguards was Ross Manganaro. He said he was at the other end of the pool when he heard his colleague blow his whistle twice, signaling that someone needed to be rescued.

“I saw him lift a lifeless little kid out of the water,” Manganaro said. “I pulled him out over by those steps, and I immediately checked (for his) pulse. It was weak, but there, and he was turning blue.”

Manganaro said he started to perform CPR on the boy and finally got him alert and responding.

“We're lucky today,” he said.

The boy was reportedly talking with medics when he was taken from the scene to a hospital. The boy’s mother called the pool managers later in the evening to say that her son is expected to be OK.

Manganaro, who has been a lifeguard for six year and is also an EMT, said training prepared him to handle the situation, but mentally it was tough. It was his first time ever performing CPR on a child.

“It's immediately personal. Everyone's looking at you,” he said.

Manganaro said Wednesday’s incident is a good reminder for parents to watch their children, but he also had a message for the boy.

“I hope to see you swimming again sometime soon. Don't let this ruin it for you,” he said.

The pool closed early Wednesday, but it is expected to open for its normal hours on Thursday.

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