
Business owner claims city reconstruction project caused big mess

PITTSBURGH — It’s been a remarkable transformation on Brookline Boulevard, complete with new sidewalks and street lights. However, not everyone is happy about it.

Target 11 Investigator Rick Earle spoke with a business owner who blamed the construction project for some of his problems.


“They did a real nice job, except my wall fell over,” Frank D’Ambrosio said.

D’Ambrosio showed Channel 11 News what’s left of the retaining wall outside his building on Brookline Boulevard. It looked like a pile of crumbled bricks and concrete.

According to D’Ambrosio, it started in the spring when a contractor hired by the city began installing new sidewalks.

“They removed the bottom stones of the wall and it caused it to crack. Now I have no wall,” D’Ambrosio said.

D’Ambrosio said the wall came down last month while the contractor was using heavy equipment to pave the road. He said it smashed the glass door to his building, and it’s not boarded up.

According to D’Ambrosio, he contacted the city and the contractor. A representative from the city and an inspector from an engineering company came to look at it, but he said he hasn’t heard back.

“It’s been frustrating. I’ve been getting the runaround and I don’t deserve it because I pay my taxes and so forth,” D’Ambrosio said.

Target 11 contacted Mayor Bill Peduto’s office and they originally said it was an issue between the property owner and the contractor. But they eventually promised to help D’Ambrosio file an insurance claim against the contractor.

The owner of the contracting company told Earle, "I've given the information regarding Mr. D'Ambrosio's alleged claim to our insurance agency and they are now looking into it.”

D’Ambrosio said he simply wants the wall put back like it was.