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Christopher Columbus statue in Pittsburgh vandalized again

PITTSBURGH — The Christopher Columbus statue in Schenley Park in Pittsburgh’s Oakland neighborhood has been vandalized for at least the second time in the last two months.

Words including “no more racist,” “BLM” and “abolition now” were found spray-painted in red on the statue Monday night.

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“With what was painted on it, I think in some regards, if you want to look at history, we can learn from it, and I think by leaving monuments up we can also learn from our mistakes,” Thomas Chianelli, of Shadyside, said.

Pittsburgh police are investigating and plan to review surveillance footage from the area.

The statue was last vandalized in June.

Community activists have called for the statue to be taken down, arguing it represents someone who committed evil acts and had slaves. A petition was started.

Prem Rajgopal helped start the petition and said he wants the statue either removed altogether or put in a museum with a correct historical background.

>>RELATED STORY: Petition started to remove Christopher Columbus statue in Schenley Park

“There is, like, an idea of Christopher Columbus’ legacy in this country, but if you actually read into the things he’s done, none of it is great or heroic,” Shreyas Vasudevan, a University of Pittsburgh graduate, said.

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