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Man remembers wife’s last words aboard Flight 93

SHANKSVILLE, Pa. — “Like most Americans that woke up to the horror of what was happening on television. Initially from the report, I felt that Lauren’s plane was grounded. Then I see on the television the crash site in Pennsylvania and I hear Lauren’s message on the flight. Where she says it’s just a little problem,” Jack Grandcolas explained.

“Honey are you there? Jack? Pick up sweetie. Okay well. I just wanted to tell you I love you. We’re having a little problem on the plane. Umm I’m totally fine. I just love you more than anything anything, just know that...”

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Jack’s wife who was three months pregnant with their baby, made that call from the hijacked plane.

She took an earlier flight home from New Jersey that morning, after attending her grandmother’s funeral.

She was 38 years old. She was petite and fit. Pound for pound as strong as any man and probably more so mentally, but she always went out of her way to help others.

Lauren had all of the qualities — what it took — as a passenger on Flight 93 to confront and challenge the hijackers.

Under a canopy of blue skies, reminiscent of the fateful day 20 years ago — Jack Grandcolas gathered with other family members of Flight 93.

“Today was very cathartic, it was beautiful, the memorial is very very special place you can feel it,” Grandcolas said.

To see the line of cars and motorcycles and people coming to pay their respects, it was heartfelt.

Coming together in grief, the families have found grace.

In their last moments, the passengers left a message of seeking the higher good.

You can watch the full interview in the video above.