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Maybe a dog, maybe a coyote: Perplexing animal escapes from local wildlife rescue

WESTMORELAND COUNTY, Pa. — An animal that left specialists perplexed as to whether it was a dog or a coyote has escaped from a Westmoreland County wildlife rescue and rehabilitation facility.

The animal had been rescued with the help of a woman who saw it outside her home in Fairfield Township and thought it was her neighbor’s dog.

>>PREVIOUS STORY: Coyote? Dog? Animal experts unsure what type of creature local woman helped rescue

Wildlife Works in Mount Pleasant stepped in to help the animal. Genetic testing was also done to identify what the animal is, though results have yet to come in.

On Thursday, Wildlife Works posted on Facebook that the animal escaped Wednesday night, leaving its cage destroyed and the hospital area trashed. A window seal was chewed until the animal was able to force the window open.

Wildlife Works said the animal had never acted aggressive and there were no signs of any other escape attempts.

WORST NEWS EVER!!!!!!! We don't know how to tell you this, but the "coyote" escaped last night. We are devastated, and...

Posted by Wildlife Works Inc. on Thursday, January 27, 2022

“We had him for about a week, during which time he ate nutritious food and received treatment for his mange and secondary infections. We can only guess he was starting to feel somewhat better and decided it was time to go,” the Facebook post said.

Wildlife Works is working to find the animal, hoping straw and food will entice it. The facility also has two traps it can set.

People in the Mount Pleasant area are being asked to keep an eye out for the animal and let Wildlife Works know if they see it. People are urged to not try capturing it.

“Everyone here is stunned and mortified to learn this news. We were so overwhelmed with an outpouring of love, interest and financial support. For any of you who sent donations and would like a refund due to this event, please just contact us by phone or email and we will send the money back to you,” Wildlife Works posted.