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New sanctions, restrictions expected for several local counties

CANONSBURG, Pa. — As the number of COVID-19 cases climbs, sources in at least three local counties are reporting that bars and restaurants could soon be forced to take a step back again.

Channel 11 is working to find out when Pennsylvania officials will make an official announcement.

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The details of the sanctions remain unclear, but Channel 11 sources say Gov. Tom Wolf is expected to announce new measures in Washington County that will impact bars and restaurants.

Sources in Westmoreland County are saying the same thing. They tell us they hear indoor dining may be paused for up to two weeks.

The Pa. Department of Health is looking at the spike in numbers.

Westmoreland County had 449 total cases on June 1, but that number jumped to 896 by July 8 -- after 33 new cases were reported in 24 hours.

In Beaver County, sources tell Channel 11 they expect the same, adding that they are being told public gatherings may be limited to 25 people.

Allegheny County has already been asked to take a step back and is now in the middle of a one-week ban on in-person dining. We are working to learn if the ban could be extended.

In Butler County, the restrictions are going to be similar, according to sources. No indoor dining for two weeks, or alcohol sales. Outdoor dining will be permitted and gatherings of 25 people or less are encouraged.

As both Beaver and Butler counties wait on the governor’s announcement, state officials told Channel 11 that even small case increases are concerning and are being watched carefully.

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