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Pittsburgh buying $580,000 worth of smart garbage cans

PITTSBURGH — PITTSBURGH (AP) - Pittsburgh is spending $580,000 to buy up to 500 new litter cans that will be equipped with smart technology to tell Public Works employees when they're full.

Public Works Director Mike Gable says the smart cans should help the city cut back on 100,000 hours workers spend each year checking 1,200 public trash cans to see if they're empty.

City Council voted 5-2 on Tuesday to approve the spending.

Councilwoman Darlene Harris, who is challenging Mayor Bill Peduto in this month's Democratic primary, objected to the cost. Councilwoman Theresa Kail-Smith says residents of her district didn't like the idea.

Gable is hoping to have the new garbage cans installed by summer.

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