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Political candidate Innamorato's remarks about 'racist' constituents spur backlash

A political candidate’s recent remarks about her constituents are spurring a backlash.

Sara Innamorato, the Democratic nominee for Pennsylvania's 21st House district made the comments on a podcast earlier this month.

“I look at my district and it's 93 percent white,” she said. “My district, which I know is like white working class, poor folk who are racist because it's so much easier for them to look to their side and say, ‘I'm going to blame that person.’”

Innamorato beat out longtime incumbent Democrat Dom Costa in the primary and is running unopposed. Now there’s a new write-in effort to get Costa back in office.


“I was just so appalled by what was being said,” said Gary Britcher, who organized the write-in effort. “I think that Dom Costa would be a better, is a better representative.”

Innamorato told Channel 11 she didn't mean to insult her district’s constituents and wishes she would have articulated her thoughts better.

"Racism, classism, misogyny, bigotry exist in America, it exists in PA, it exists in our backyard, and oftentimes those types of bigotry aren't rooted in hatred against that group, but rather people working really hard and feeling they can't get ahead," she said.

She said she and community leaders hope to use those comments as a springboard for discussion.

“We've been talking like, great, this seems like something we could be having a conversation about, so let's organize town halls, let's have listening sessions,” She said. “Let's make sure we're out in front of this and hearing people's experience so that we can actually design policy and legislation that works.”