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Teen on the run after pulling gun on girls soccer player during game in Pittsburgh

PITTSBURGH — People living in Pittsburgh’s Brookline neighborhood told Channel 11 they’re still worried after a young girl was assaulted on a soccer field in front of dozens of people.

“It was a good commotion. People screaming and all that,” Frank Marsico said.

It was Sunday afternoon and Marsico was working in his yard right next to Moore Park.

A girls soccer game was being played.

He said you could hear piercing screams and later learned that was when a teen pulled a gun on one of the girls playing soccer.

“They all got scared. Coaches ran. People left their chairs, their water bottles and left and got out of there,” Marsico said.

Police said the teen grabbed the girl by her hair and hit her in the head with a gun.

A witness jumped in and pulled the suspect off the girl. The suspect then pointed the gun at the witness and ran up the bleachers to Marsico’s street.

“I thought maybe he was going to take me hostage because I had my car unlocked,” he said. “They told us to get in the house. They were all armed with semi-automatics.”

According to the Pittsburgh Bureau of Police, they haven’t been able to find the teen yet and are still investigating.