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Vice President Mike Pence in West Mifflin for campaign rally Friday

WEST MIFFLIN, Pa. — Vice President Mike Pence was in West Mifflin on Friday for a Make America Great Again Victory Rally.

Pence was joined by Rep. Mike Kelly and Luke Negron at the event, which was held at Lynx FBO Pittsburgh on Lebanon Road.

There were temperature checks at the door and people were urged to wear a face covering.

Pence touched on a variety of topics in his speech, including keeping manufacturing jobs in Pennsylvania. He attacked former President Barack Obama and former Vice President Joe Biden for eliminating those jobs during their tenure.

Pence also talked about fracking, saying Biden wants to ban it completely. It’s something Biden has continuously denied saying.

“The truth is that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want to abolish fossil fuels and end fracking. That would destroy hundreds of thousands of jobs in Pennsylvania alone and they have said they want to end fracking over and over for the past year,” Pence said.

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Democratic Rep. Mike Doyle released the following statement Friday morning ahead of Pence’s visit:

“Over the last four years, President Trump and Vice President Pence have put the interests of big corporations and their Wall Street friends above those of Western Pennsylvania families. They gave huge tax breaks to the ultra-wealthy and corporations that shipped jobs overseas, while families across the Commonwealth have lost jobs and struggled to support themselves. And the Trump-Pence Administration’s unwillingness to act to contain COVID-19 has resulted in the loss of our family members, neighbors, and friends. Joe Biden is the only candidate in this race with the experience and vision to help communities in Western Pennsylvania overcome the current crisis and build our economy back better for working families. To secure a better future, everyone in Allegheny County needs to make a plan to vote for Joe Biden today.”

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