Pennsylvania postal worker admits to lying about voting irregularities, officials say

WASHINGTON, D.C. — A postal worker, who acknowledged issues with Pennsylvania’s mail-in voting system, has admitted that he lied to U.S. Postal Service investigators.

In an article published by The Washington Post, three officials briefed on the investigation say the postal employee, Richard Hopkins, fabricated his story.

Hopkins claimed that the Erie postmaster instructed employees to backdate ballots mailed after Election Day.

This claim was cited in an official letter to the Justice Department by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) as he was asking for a federal investigation into Tuesday’s election results.

But, according to The Washington Post, Hopkins told the U.S. Postal Service’s inspector general that the story was not true and signed an affidavit — reversing his claims.

Hopkins did post a video on YouTube saying he did not recant his statement.

Erie’s postmaster has denied Hopkins' allegations and cited the employee’s disciplinary record as a reason for his statement.

According to the article, Hopkins was walked out of the post office on Monday and told not to come back until the investigation was complete.

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