
PennDOT reminding drivers of school bus safety tips as kids return to class

The kids are about to be heading back to school, and PennDOT is reminding drivers about safety tips and laws in place to keep children safe.

“We want all of our children to have a safe trip to and from school. As the new school year begins, it is a good time for motorists to familiarize their selves with Pennsylvania’s School Bus Stopping Law,” said PennDOT District Executive Bill Kovach. “Our children’s safety is in your hands. Please slow down, pay attention, and follow the law, especially in school zones and around school buses.”

Pennsylvania’s School Bus Stopping Law:

  • When you meet or overtake a stopped school bus with red signal lights flashing and stop arm extended, you MUST STOP.
  • When you approach an intersection where a school bus is stopped with red signal lights flashing and stop arm extended, you MUST STOP.
  • You MUST STOP at least ten (10) feet away from the school bus.
  • You MUST WAIT until the red lights have stopped flashing and the stop arm has been withdrawn before moving.
  • DO NOT MOVE until all the children have reached a place of safety.

To further promote safety, school vehicles may be equipped with a yellow flashing or revolving light.

If you are convicted of violating Pennsylvania’s School Bus Stopping Law, you will receive all the following penalties:

  • 60-Day Driver’s License Suspension
  • Five (5) points on your driving record
  • $250 Fine (If a school bus is equipped with a side stop arm enforcement system and you pass a school bus with its red lights flashing, you could receive a $300 fine in the mail.)

PennDOT said more than 700 drivers are convicted yearly for passing a stopped school bus with its flashing red lights on.

For more information on school bus safety, visit www.PennDOT.pa.gov/Safety.

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