
Rachael DelTondo Murder: Parents issue statement after DA names prime suspect

Rachael DelTondo was shot and killed while standing in her mother's Beaver Co. driveway.

ALIQUIPPA, Pa. — The parents of Rachael DelTondo have issued a statement after the Beaver County District Attorney named a prime suspect in her murder.

>>> Rachael DelTondo Murder: Beaver County DA names prime suspect

DelTondo was murdered in her family’s driveway on Mother’s Day in 2018. Her case has never been solved.

>>>Timeline of Rachael DelTondo murder investigation

Tuesday, the Beaver County District Attorney David Lozier named Sheldon Jeter as the prime suspect in her murder.

Her parents, Lisa and Joseph DelTondo, issued the following statement in response:

“After hearing about the news coverage concerning DA Lozier’s announcement about the case involving the murder of our daughter, we think it necessary to make our feelings known.

“On August 14, 2023 my husband and I were paid a visit by two detectives from the Beaver County District Attorney’s Office. They informed us that District Attorney Lozier would be announcing that Sheldon Jeter is the prime suspect in the murder investigation of our daughter Rachael. They also told us to expect to receive a letter from the DA stating his intentions. The letter just so happened to arrive by mail that day. The DA did not have the guts to call or make a personal visit to tell us about his big announcement. This caused more suffering and hurt on top of what we suffered for the past five years . Aside from his insincere effort to console us for our loss, the DA’s letter offered nothing new about the investigation that has not already been known or suspected. The DA announced that Sheldon Jeter is the prime suspect and that he would unseal search warrants. We were told sometime after Rachael’s death that Jeter was a suspect.

“We are left trying to understand what this announcement means in terms of unsealing search warrants and naming Jeter as the prime suspect. How does this help to find the killer of our daughter? Second, why make the announcement now? The answers to these questions are really clear to us. This was a cheap, underhanded , pitiful, political stunt pulled by Mr. Lozier in an effort to boost his campaign for reelection, which will occur in approximately two and one half months , at the expense of our dead daughter and us. After five years of producing nothing, he is fearful that his ineptness as a DA is showing through and that the announcement was made to deflect his poor effort to bring justice to our daughter. Shame on him.”

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