
Teen buys BMW with money made from robocall home kit settlement

RICHMOND, Va. — We all get them seemingly all day long: robocalls trying to sell you things like extended warranties, health insurance, medical equipment and help with student loans. A 16-year-old says he hears “cha-ching” every time his phone rings.

“A 2012 BMC 528i. It’s all black,” Jackson Gosnell said.

He bought the car with checks he won in legal settlements from robocallers who called his cellphone illegally.

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“You want to start taking the calls. You ask questions, then you’ll gather the company’s information. Do a little bit of research, then you’ll send them a letter. The letter basically says, ‘Hey, you violated the law. You can settle with me now at this discounted rate, or I could sue you and you’ll have to pay the full penalties,’” he said.

Gosnell said he bought a kit for $47 from online.

“Each call is worth $500 if you’re not on the National Do Not Call List, and they’re worth $1,500 if you are,” he said.

The kit’s creator said the companies often want to settle out of court to avoid the unwanted eye of federal investigators.


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