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Groups hold rallies in Pittsburgh, demand all legal votes be counted

PITTSBURGH — Two opposing groups rallied at the City-County building in downtown Pittsburgh Friday to demand that all legal votes be counted.

People from both sides, supports of President Donald Trump and Joe Biden clashed, and the exchanges got heated at times.

Police in riot gear showed up to separate the two sides. No one has been hurt. No one has been arrested.

Earlier in the day people with signs in hand, people — who identified themselves as patriots — rallied across the street from the Allegheny County Elections Warehouse on the Northside.

Their message: They were demanding that votes be counted and done so accurately.

Some of their signs read, “Count legal votes,” “Stop the count,” and “Sorry, polls are closed.”

Organizers raised questions over the mail-in ballot process. They claimed ballots and numbers were falsified.

Something election officials have stressed couldn’t be farther from the truth.

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The federal government is currently raising a red flag citing people should not fall for wrong information about the election process.

This includes false Facebook and Twitter accounts and unverified videos claiming ballots were thrown out or fake names were used.

The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency stressed the numbers are changing so much because mail-in ballots are still being counted.

People are calling for swift changes.

“Be prepared for efforts that call into question the legitimacy of the election,” said Chris Krebs, director of CISA.

“We believe that what is going on in Pennsylvania now is a complete and total fraud. How do all these mail in ballots just magically appear?” said Danny DeVito, Republican Candidate for State House District 45.

Organizers said they plan to rally throughout the course of this day as the results continue to pour in.