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Judge tosses most serious charge against pregnant woman accused of ODing

EAST BUTLER — A Butler mother will not be facing a felony charge of assault of an unborn child after a judge threw it out Friday.

Channel 11 has been following the case of Kasey Dischman since June. Police say Dischman admitted to overdosing on heroin inside an East Butler house while seven months pregnant.

Dischman went into cardiac arrest then a coma, and doctors had to deliver the baby early. State police told us at the time the infant girl was in bad shape, on life support. Richard Goldinger, Butler County district attorney, called Dischman's action callous.


“It's an egregious thing that happened,” he said. “We have a mother who was seven months pregnant who intentionally used heroin and overdosed and left her baby brain damaged.”


On Friday morning, a judge threw out the assault on an unborn child charge, saying state law doesn't allow it.

Criminal Code 2608 gives a pregnant woman immunity from criminal liability in regards to crimes against her unborn child.

Goldinger doesn't read the law that way.

“I think the law is bad,” he said. “I don't think it was intended to protect women who are that far along in a pregnancy who ingest drugs and cause an overdose.

“We owed it to that child to pursue these charges.”

Goldinger said he may appeal the judge’s decision.