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Masks could become optional for Pittsburgh Public Schools students, staff

PITTSBURGH — On the bus and in school, Pittsburgh Public is still masked up. Something that people on the streets of the city believe shouldn’t change.

“What protection are we giving them or are we just going to have the convenience of not wearing a mask be more important than possibly their lives,” said Aaron Allen.

In just over a week, the school board is expected to discuss and decide.

“I think it’s important to reevaluate the scenario. I know there are people who never wanted to wear them but evaluating the situation and letting our guard down if it’s safe enough is appropriate,” said Beth Garrard.

So we wanted to know – is it safe enough for kids to lose the mask in one of the largest school districts in the state?

>>PREVIOUS STORY: CDC updates mask guidelines, Pittsburgh school students will still wear them

“Those numbers are low, so it seems like this is the time when schools and other businesses should be thinking about making masks optional,” said Dr. Edward Ketyer with Allegheny Health Network.

While the doctors believe it’s a good idea, the final decision is up to the school board who likely will take input from some parents.

“I don’t know about the ventilation they currently have, so I feel like there could be a lot of work for the students and teachers and faculty,” Allen said.

The teacher’s union was meeting with the school district on Monday to discuss the idea of removing masks. The board is expected to vote on March 23.