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Mayocue? Mayomust? Heinz has two new saucy combinations

Heinz Mayocue and Mayomust to hit store shelves.  

PITTSBURGH — First there was Mayochup, Heinz's blend of mayonnaise and ketchup.  Now Heinz has come up with two new saucy combinations.

Heinz Mayocue, a mixture of mayonnaise and barbecue sauce, and Heinz Mayomust, a mashup of mayonnaise and mustard, are about to hit store shelves nationwide.

“Sauce lovers nationwide have been mixing different condiments to create flavor combinations that will take their favorite foods to the next level for years,” Nicole Kulwicki, Director of Marketing for the Heinz brand, said in a news release.

“First with Mayochup sauce and now with Mayocue and Mayomust sauces, we’re taking out the guesswork to give our fans the perfect condiment blends from the start,” Kulwicki said.

The sauces are being sold in 16.5 oz bottles at a suggested price of $3.49 a bottle.