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North Allegheny parents rally against district’s remote learning plan

MCCANDLESS, Pa. — A group of North Allegheny parents held a rally Monday against the district’s latest COVID-19 plan.

The district’s new mitigation efforts are now in effect and include district wide remote learning until January 18. In person learning will resume January 19.

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The group of 30 North Allegheny Parents for in-person education, is upset with the district’s decision, saying their kids are falling behind and the district isn’t meeting Pennsylvania Department of Education Guidelines.

“They’re not in school because the school board and district is saying because of covid-19 and because of the virus. Our children are at very low risk for this, the virus, science says it, doctors, nurses, they all say it, these children should be in school,” said parent Lisa Struzinski.

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The group now has several demands including that the district begin full in-person learning on January 4th. They also are demanding that if they have to be remote, that the district’s teachers teach from their classrooms.

On Friday, Pennsylvania’s acting education secretary said that he recognizes there are disparities among schools and students when it comes to virtual learning but there is a no one-size-fits-all approach; therefore, it’s ultimately the choice of individual districts if they will shift to online instruction.

The district declined to comment on the event.