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Sarris Candy offers piece of happiness in chaotic COVID-19 world

CANONSBURG, Pa. — 2020 has been a rough year, but places like Sarris Candy in Canonsburg offer a small piece of happiness in a chaotic COVID-19 world.

“When children walk in for the first time, I love to be here to catch a glimpse of them. Their eyes just light up,” said Athena Sarris Simms.

Sarris Simms grew up in the chocolate factory, and it’s in her family’s blood.

“My grandparents lived above the store for many, many years, so we spent many holidays coming over and spending time with our grandparents here,” she said.

60 years later and nearly a dozen expansions have not diminished the original goal: chocolates. Each piece of candy is still crafted in the factory on-site.

“It’s so humbling to be able to provide people a little bit of happiness, a little bit of nostalgia, a little bit of something from their childhood,” Sarris Simms said.

She now gets to watch the magic through the eyes of the next generation, just like Brittney Halbig. Halbig came to the store as a little girl, and now gets to carry on the tradition with her son Lincoln.

“I used to come here as a child, so seeing him so happy and excited is beyond amazing for me,” she said.

For many, places like Sarris Candy share the comfort of the holidays, often through the magical lens of a child.

“They’re just in their glory,” Sarris Simms said.