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Swissvale drug bust nets 150 lbs. of marijuana, cash, guns

Police seized numerous bags of medical grade marijuana, candies, vape pens and liquid codeine in a large-scale drug trafficking investigation which began in May.

“This investigation is a prime example of coordination between local, county and federal agencies,” said Sgt. John Corrado.

Police told Channel 11 the man behind the huge haul was Rouk Shwaish of Pittsburgh, who was arrested Monday and charged with possession with intent to deliver.


Police say he was importing mass quantities of marijuana which were bound for sale on the streets in Pittsburgh.

Swissvale police showed Channel 11 what they say they seized from various locations around Pittsburgh, including 150 pounds of marijuana and more than $100,000 in cash. Police said they also seized two guns.

Police estimate the street value of the marijuana they seized to be in the hundreds of thousands of dollars.