Ones to Watch

Ones to Watch: Katie Uhlaender

BEIJING, China — Every four years we all say, “Are these people crazy?” But we still watch the skeleton competition and Katie Uhlaender is one to watch in the upcoming games.

Uhlaender is leading the smallest U.S. delegation since skeleton made a comeback in the 2002 games.

She’s one of two women sliders and there’s only one men’s competitor for the U.S.

Uhlaender is a veteran on the team.

These are her fifth Olympic games.

“When you’re standing on top of a peak and it’s totally quiet, nothing beats that,” she said. “If I’m on the beach and I happen to have a day surfing, paddle boarding, just being in the ocean. It washes all of my worries away. I’m in flow. That’s probably why I’ve done skeleton for five Olympics. I love the feeling of flow.”

Uhlaender is a jack of all trades.

During the pandemic, she worked as an arborists’ assistant. She’s also worked as a cattle rancher, but she has her favorite is working in TV where she’s been a camera assistant.