Ones to Watch

Ones to Watch: Red Gerard

BEIJING, China — Red Gerard surprises even himself at the 2018 games when he won snowboarding slopestyle at just 17-years-old. Now he’s going for the repeat in Beijing.

The Colorado native and his six siblings built a snow park in the backyard when they were kids and it paid off.

Gerard is the youngest ever to win a snowboarding goal medal.

“We’re at a point in snowboarding where some people would almost say were almost at a plateau with the tricks that were doing,” he said. “How much further can you actually go so, the next thing where my mind goes to is creativity. There’s so many snowboarders that do so many different things and I respect all of that. It’s really endless creativity.”

Gerard said even after four years, his mom still hasn’t decided how to display is Pyeongchang gold medal and keeps it in a fireproof box.