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Bridgeville mom loses fight against COVID-19 just weeks after giving birth

BRIDGEVILLE, Pa. — Despite the mask mandate being dropped and steadily increasing numbers of people getting vaccinated, COVID-19 hasn’t gone completely away yet. An Allegheny County family is now left without a mother due to the virus.

“It was very hard. She was just laying there with a tube down her throat,” said Ty Barlow.

Katie Barr, 39, of Bridgeville was diagnosed with COVID-19 on May 11 and gave birth to her fourth child two days later. After birth, the complications from the virus continued, eventually landing her in the ICU at UPMC Presbyterian Hospital for the last three weeks of her life.

CLICK HERE to view the family’s GoFundMe account

Barr’s fiance, Ty Barlow, said they were going to get married as soon as she got out of the hospital.

“When I came home, I dropped to my knees. The baby was laying right there on the couch. I grabbed my daughter and started crying,” Barlow said.

Barr died on Sunday. She leaves behind her children -- ages 7, 5, 2 and a 6-week-old baby girl.

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