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First eaglet of year hatches in Pittsburgh’s Hays bald eagle nest

PITTSBURGH — The bald eagles in Pittsburgh’s Hays neighborhood welcomed their first eaglet of 2021 early Tuesday morning.

The eaglet hatched just after 3 a.m., the Audubon Society of Western Pennsylvania announced.

It’s been 39 days since the first egg was laid and 36 days since the second egg was laid, according to the Audubon Society. Bald eagle eggs typically take around 35 to 38 days to hatch.

In all, three eggs were laid this year by the Hays bald eagles.

Now that there’s an eaglet, as well as an egg in the nest, an adult bald eagle will stay on the nest constantly, Audubon Society officials said. The hatched eaglet will remain beneath an adult for warmth as the remaining egg continues to be incubated by the adults.

Food will be brought back to the nest by the adults and given to the eaglet. The adults will tear the food into small pieces and will be seen leaning over to feed the eaglet.

CLICK HERE to watch live video from the Hays bald eagle camera.