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Nurse speaks out about incident that led to cop cuffing jail guard

A Washington County Jail nurse is speaking out for the first time about a video showing a Washington police officer handcuff the jail’s guard captain.

The Memorial Day weekend incident started when nurse Ronald Markle refused to admit a suspect with a head injury, citing state laws.

“I wanna say roughly eight staples over his left ear and swelling,” Markle told Channel 11. “I said, ‘What’s that from?’ He said, ‘I just had aneurysm surgery roughly 10 days ago.’

RELATED STORY: Police officer handcuffs jail guard at Washington County Correctional Facility

“If I had to do it all again, I would make the same call.”

The video shows Markle evaluating the man's head. Under Pennsylvania law, a suspect cannot be admitted if he or she needs medical attention.

“I asked the cop, ‘Was he in a fight? I don’t know why he's here.’ Cop said, ‘I don’t know, just do your job!’” Markle said.


The situation escalated when the captain on duty agreed with Markle. After words were exchanged, the police officer attempted to arrest her.

Markle agreed to speak to Channel 11 because he wants people to know what hasn't been reported: he says the warden fired him that night. The county claims he quit.

"He got right up in my face and said, 'You're dismissed, soldier.' I said, 'Excuse me?' Said, 'You're dismissed, soldier.'

“I said, ‘Fine, I'm done with this.’ I … started walking away.”

The warden told Channel 11 he couldn't comment on a personnel issue. County Commissioner Larry Maggi told Channel 11 it was a chaotic night, but officials who were there claim Markle quit three times.

Maggi said the county supports that decision and added that Markle turned his keys in and was escorted out.

“We are all supposed to be on the same team: police, sheriffs, jail,” Markle said. “Why are we fighting with each other. That's what got me mad.”

The police officer in this case was put on administrative duty pending an investigation. There are still questions about why the suspect was brought into the jail that night – the following morning a magistrate dismissed the case.