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Woman's ex-boyfriend accused of hiding in attic for 3 weeks

PITTSBURGH — A man spent weeks hiding in his ex-girlfriend's attic, police said.

She told police strange things had been happening. She said she found a blanket on the floor and noticed the toilet seat had been moved.

"I feel like this is going to affect me for the rest of my life,” the woman said. Channel 11 is not using her name or showing her face to protect her identity, but she did share what happened to her. "I had an intuition about it but I ignored it, I brushed it aside. I didn’t want to seem paranoid but I should have trusted my instincts because I was right.”

For the last three weeks, she says she saw signs inside her Brighton Heights home that someone else might be living inside. She was afraid it was her ex-boyfriend, Cary Cocuzzi.


She did have an active PFA (protection from abuse order) against Cocuzzi but, on Saturday night, she found him standing in the middle of her bedroom. She said he grabbed her by the face and she fought him off.

She ran outside screaming and neighbors called 911.

She’s so thankful her two daughters weren’t home this weekend, but she also feels incredibly violated and worried about what happens when Cocuzzi gets out of jail.

“He did not respect the PFA. Who knows what could’ve happened?” she said.

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